Cultural Relations

Working Together for a Better World

Cultural relations refers to the way two different cultures interact with each other and ultimately get along with each other. Building strong relationships is the best way to establish business relations, as we can see when we work with people in the UK. We enjoy working with and buying from people we trust.

As human beings, we're curious about the world around us. That's why we travel and meet new people. We can use this natural curiosity to provide new business opportunities. Japan has a rich and varied culture along with people that are now waking up to the ideas presented by the rest of the world. The general population has a good standard of education and wealth is quite evenly distributed, making it a great place to establish a new customer base.

picture showing cultural exchange

The people of Japan are very interested in foreign goods and celebrities. Tommy Lee Jones for example, is a well known advocate for coffee [add link]. Foreign goods also suggest that the owner is well off. For example, most cars in Japan are Japanese. From a Japanese perspective, cars made by foreign companies suggest status because they're more expensive and people even enforce this idea of status by buying left hand drive cars (usually BMWs). Living in Japan, you will find many, many people who would love to experience foreign culture and try to do that every day by buying products that use English phrases that make little sense to a native or [link and pictures] Katakana English to tap into the feeling of England, France, Italy, the United States and other western countries.

Of course, working with Japan and selling products there isn't just about working business to customer (B2C). There are also a lot of opportunities for business to business) B2B organisations to increase profits by moving into the far east market. Japan is one of the most organised and well regulated countries in Asia, so you can be sure of making fair and profitable partnerships. If you want to work with other businesses (as is also required for B2C when considering distribution of your product), it's necessary to trust and believe in your partners. We can help you to see from their point of view.
